About Us
On the hunt for large copper, gold, nickel and lithium systems in highly prolific yet underexplored terrain
>6,000km2 (600,000 ha) package providing exposure to world-class belts with genuine Tier 1 potential
Employing cutting-edge Machine Learning alongside the largest privately held Central Asian dataset, toward a step change in discovery probability
Exceptional generative capabilities and a founding team with 15+ years in Central Asia with direct contributions to discoveries in the region
Central Asia's largest exploration dataset
Largest private exploration dataset covering Central Asia
Decades of Soviet-era exploration data continuously digitized over many years
Exceptionally powerful country-wide targeting tool
Includes geophysics, geochem, geology, alteration, deposits and structural data
Machine learning in ground selection
Utilizing ML as a predictive prospectivity tool combined with country-wide datasets
Big data approach underpins every acquisition
Opportunities ranked for Tier 1 prospectivity and heavily scrutinized at a belt-scale
Sulukol (317km2)
Orogenic Gold
Southeast Bay (490km2)
Sed-Hosted Copper
Stepnyak-Kokshetau Gold Belt (>45Moz)
Chu-Sarysu Sed-Copper Basin (>25MtCu)
Ili-Balkash & Bozshakol Porphyry Copper-Gold Arcs (>100MtCu, 250Moz)
Altai Nickel-Sulphide Belt
Kalba-Narym Pegmatite Belt
Alakol (374km2)
Orogenic Gold
Samen (135km2)
Porphyry Copper-Gold
Ulkensur (100km2)
Porphyry Copper-Gold
Sarybastau (120km2)
Porphyry Copper-Gold
Aktogay West (377km2)
Porphyry Copper-Gold
Zarya (54km2)
Lithium pegmatite
Surovo (27km2)
Lithium pegmatite
Batis (22km2)
Lithium pegmatite
Kokpekty Group (376km2)
Nickel sulphide
Quryiq (73km2)
Nickel sulphide
Bor (99km2)
Sed-Hosted Copper
Dzhezkazgan East and Satpayev (114km2)
Sed-Hosted Copper
Zaysan (81km2)
Nickel sulphide
Our Team
Pallas was founded by a team with over 15 years’ collective experience in Central Asia, having contributed to the discovery and growth of several Central Asian deposits. Our team brings deep technical expertise across orogenic and epithermal gold systems, as well as in sediment-hosted and porphyry copper deposits. We have in-house specialists in the fields of machine learning, spectral geology, and remote sensing; as well as the capacity to quickly digitize and dissect Soviet-era datasets. The net result is an incredibly strong, technically driven team with the capacity to focus on systematic generative efforts in the hunt for the next significant discovery in Central Asia.
Location and AccessThe property covers 18,470 hectares of state-owned Alaska mining claims and is located approximately 180 km southeast of Fairbanks and 70 km east of Delta Junction, Alaska which offer all amenities to serve exploration and mining activities. The property can be accessed via winter trail or helicopter from Delta Junction.
Geology and MineralizationThe Healy Project is located within the Goodpaster Mining District, which is part of the prolific Tintina Gold Province; host of significant deposits such as Donlin Creek, Fort Knox, Pogo, Coffee, Sheelite Dome and Dublin Gulch. The property straddles a regional contact between metamorphic basement rocks and Cretaceous igneous rocks, which is recognized as a regional control for gold mineralization. The project lies within the major north-east trending structural corridor of the Black Mountain Tectonic Zone. The Black Mountain Tectonic Zone is believed to be similar to other major north-east trending structures such as the Shaw Creek, Mt. Harper, Ketchumstuck and Sixtymile fault systems, all of which are associated with major mineral occurrences. Within the project area gold-in-soil geochemical anomalies are coincident with numerous north-east trending structures related to this major structural corridor. Gold mineralization is associated with quartz-sericite altered pyritic gneiss and schist units within the metamorphic basement rocks.
Exploration HistoryThe Healy Project was originally identified as a multi-catchment gold anomaly through Newmont’s proprietary bulk leach extractable gold (BLEG) stream sediment sampling techniques during a regional survey of eastern interior Alaska. The project was staked in 2012 and had seen only limited early stage exploration including ridge-and-spur and grid soil sampling, geologic mapping and prospecting, and four shallow Shaw back-pack drill holes all completed by Newmont. The targets generated from these exploration campaigns had yet to be tested by diamond or reverse circulation drilling prior to the optioning of the property by Kenorland Minerals Ltd. (formally Northway Resources Corp.) in 2018. Kenorland began exploration work in 2018 with additional surface geochemical sampling which led to an initial reconnaissance drill program in 2019. The 2019 campaign included ten shallow reconnaissance style reverse circulation (RC) drill holes which intercepted widespread low-grade gold mineralization within the Bronk target area. In 2020 further geochemical and geophysical surveys advanced the Healy project, including a helicopter-borne magnetometer and radiometric survey, a ground based magnetometer and very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) survey, 10 lines of RES/IP geophysical surveying and infill C-horizon soil sampling over the main target areas to help define drill ready targets for the 2021 summer program.
Latest News
Pallas Resources Portfolio Update: Key Highlights from Significant 2024
Exploration Campaign
December 19, 2024
Pallas Acquires the Bor Sediment-Hosted Copper Project in partnership with Global Copper Major
April 8, 2024
Detailed reconnaissance at Kokpekty confirms distinct similarities with Noril’sk
February 22, 2024
Interested in becoming an investor or joint venture partner participating in the hunt for the world's next Tier 1 deposits?
Pallas has a number of highly prospective district scale mineral targets throughout world class mineral belts in Central Asia. Our targets are underscored by comprehensive datasets which have been built over multiple years and we have a team that has collectively operated in the region for 15+ years.
We're a private, tightly-held group with significant inside ownership but do occasionally look to partner with long-term investors and joint venture partners seeking exposure to a portfolio of assets with significant discovery potential.
Please contact us below:
2nd Floor, Heathman's House, 19 Heathman's Rd
London, SW6 4TJ, UK
Email: info@pallasresources.com
Tel: +1345 926 4209